Mario, was obsessed by his baldness. Each morning he looked in the
mirror and received a dart in the heart for every hair that looked dead
in the sink or hopelessly trapped in special toothed comb to avoid
damaging your hair weak.
That afternoon, he bought an old remedy hundred percent guaranteed. Mario, not used to rely on these products. I had tried many. But this, gave him a hunch.
Thus, step by step fulfilling the old recipe, Mario undressed, went to the balcony and received the damp cold of the winter night. There he waited to be completely bathed in the light of the full moon, was painted red circles on the chest and sprayed the skull with the miraculous Hair Growth.
That night he slept restlessly, waiting for the result, with the first light of dawn, Mario is launched into the bathroom, there greedily grabbed the mirror and watched his scraggly hair ... a hint of disappointment and humiliation he struck his heart , would give up, one last look at his ball billiards ... but what's that looming dark all over my head? ... began to sprout fuzz which foam in the bathroom. With astonishing speed, the fuzz hair became. Mario was beside himself with joy, her hair began to grow uncontrollably, strong hair, black and curly as a plant head slid down. The terrible thing was when his hair began to enter the ears, at first thanks tickled and then trying to remove those annoying hairs, his fingers were caught in them, the pressure exerted on his skull made eyes jumped from their orbits and stayed in them bushes of hair, shouted, but his screams were soon drowned by a mop that suffocated.
That afternoon, he bought an old remedy hundred percent guaranteed. Mario, not used to rely on these products. I had tried many. But this, gave him a hunch.
Thus, step by step fulfilling the old recipe, Mario undressed, went to the balcony and received the damp cold of the winter night. There he waited to be completely bathed in the light of the full moon, was painted red circles on the chest and sprayed the skull with the miraculous Hair Growth.
That night he slept restlessly, waiting for the result, with the first light of dawn, Mario is launched into the bathroom, there greedily grabbed the mirror and watched his scraggly hair ... a hint of disappointment and humiliation he struck his heart , would give up, one last look at his ball billiards ... but what's that looming dark all over my head? ... began to sprout fuzz which foam in the bathroom. With astonishing speed, the fuzz hair became. Mario was beside himself with joy, her hair began to grow uncontrollably, strong hair, black and curly as a plant head slid down. The terrible thing was when his hair began to enter the ears, at first thanks tickled and then trying to remove those annoying hairs, his fingers were caught in them, the pressure exerted on his skull made eyes jumped from their orbits and stayed in them bushes of hair, shouted, but his screams were soon drowned by a mop that suffocated.
Víctor Chamorro BT1